Returning Dragon Tides, (also known as Gui Long Tide / Gui Long Chao in Chinese) is an upcoming horizontal side-scrolling Anime RPG currently in development.
As of the 9th of April, the developers confirmed that the game would be entering into their 3rd round of Closed Beta testing, showcasing much of what they’ve been hard at work overhauling and improving. From the fast action combat, to the skill effects and animations, to the boss encounters and mini-games.
There is no information currently concerning the release date or additional Beta tests after this one, however, if you’re interested in pre-registering for future Beta tests – or merely to obtain pre-registration rewards when the game finally and inevitably launches, then I urge you to visit their official website which has all of the information you need.
Unfortunately, I didn’t personally get into this test phase specifically, partly because I wasn’t aware it was happening at the time, and partly because it’s in Chinese and I don’t do many non-English Beta tests (maybe I should do more, who knows?) Nevertheless, I did take a look at their most recent trailer, which documented what we have to look forward to, and it looked very polished. I can see Returning Dragon Tides appealing to a very niche demographic, but I’m glad they’re not just going the “Genshin route” so many other games are these days.