Wuthing Waves is an upcoming real-time action Gacha game from the developers of Punishing Gray Raven.
It features a fully open world, allowing for complete seamless exploration without loading screens. There are enormous world boss monsters to engage. It’s powered by a strong narrative that has been 90% rewritten since the first Global Beta test, and has character models and animations that are truly enviable for the genre.
Given this is developed by Kuro Game, you can guarantee the action combat is going to be some of the best in the genre – and from what I’ve experienced, it truly is.
A Global release has been confirmed and is speculated to be releasing by October 2024.
If you want to pre-register, pre-registrations are open and available for the upcoming test phase.

Kuro Game
Kuro Game
Upcoming – Global Confirmed – Release should be in 2024
The world of Wuthering Waves was bombarded by an apocalyptic event called the “Calament” over a century ago. Strange beings arrived and sowed havoc and violence across the lands, leaving the dregs of civilization to tremble on the edge of annihilation.
But peace was forged between the surviving peoples, all of whom pitched in to rebuild cities, homes, and factories from the ruins left behind by the violent invasion. There’s a dreamlike serenity hovering over Wuthering Waves, but it’s deceptive; some unnamed threat still lurks in the shadows. Your sudden, mysterious arrival to the land where you’re only known as “Rover” inexplicably lines up with the growing unease. Expect the Resonators of Wuthering Waves to keep a close eye on you–but the upside is they’ll stay close by your side and watch your back as you fight a host of strange, twisted monsters.