Project KV (also known as Blue Katana, Blue Sword, Blue Scroll,) is an upcoming Anime Gacha RPG made by ex-Blue Archive developers, with a similar setting (school girls,) along with some shared features.

The cast is entirely female (from what we can tell,) and set in a school setting, much like Blue Archive.

Swords – Katanas, seem to be the central theme of the game, as opposed to Blue Archive which focused primarily on guns. Blue Scroll will likely include a variety of different medieval/feudal weapon types, like swords, shields, spears, lances, bows, crossbows, axes etc.

It’s unconfirmed exactly what type of combat system the game will employ, however, the translation seems to allude to “action combat” as opposed to “tactical,” “strategic,” “turn-based” or any other system.

We’re also not sure at present of the graphical style – will it feature full 2D characters like Blue Archive? Or 3D like Wuthering Waves and Arknights Endfield?

There will be a functional domitory system, which is likely to share similarities to the dorm system found in Blue Archive.

Currently, there is no information about an upcoming Closed Beta test, nor do we have any information concerning a release date (or the stage of development this is in.) Nevertheless, while disconnected from Blue Archive, this could be another phenomenal AAA Gacha game that has a substantial impact on the genre.


Dynamic One Inc.


Unconfirmed (Dynamic One Inc.? Nexon?)


Upcoming – Global Speculated – Release N/A.


There you will surely find your “sword”.
There lies something that everyone has, and that includes you.
There lies your heart, the weapon you need when the time comes to face this world.

寮 [Dormitory]

The Prince’s Forest has burned down, the Tree of Enlightenment cut down without a trace. Thus, we built an academy on this site. Indeed, you will surely be like them. Like all of the young ones.

輪 [Ring]

Practitioners, students, you still know little of your light. That “halo” is a sign of your ignorance, of your waywardness. And, of your potential to understand all things, to break through and to push forward.

駆け抜ける [Charge through]

刀 [Sword]

If you call that a sword, then it will attach to your name. If not, then it is a rejection of reality. Answer me. What is now resting on your hands?

It’s alright, even if you do not know yet. You will, after all, surely find your sword here in this place.
And, these children will find where they will need to go, so that they can face this world.

ノスタルジア学園活劇 [Nostalgia Academy Action Drama]

Ex Blue Archive Devs Announce New Gacha – Project KV

Ex Blue Archive developers (including Isakusan, who was the lead writer for Eden Treaty and Vol. F revealed they are developing a brand new Anime RPG - currently referred to as Project KV (Blue Katana/Blue Sword are other common names.) It features a significant...