Light of the Stars is an upcoming strategy RPG set in a world riddled with death, darkness and chaos. Players are tasked with saving the world from calamity by recruiting an army of Husbando’s and Waifu’s – represented by constellations.
Players will be able to deepen relationships with recruited characters, experiencing not only the heroes, but also the battles in full 3D. No 2D world, Light of the Stars features fully realized 3D battlefields. There are varied environments players need to be aware of before placing units down, with differing advantageous hero positions, obstacles – both beneficial and inhibiting. There are PvP Arena battles, and the option of joining forces with guild members to tackle difficult stages you couldn’t tackle alone.
A Global release has been confirmed and is speculated to be releasing in 2024.
If you want to pre-register, pre-registrations are open and available.

Upcoming – Global Confirmed – Release should be in 2024
Our World’ came to life with the Star Force, but the endless wars dragged it down into the darkness and chaos.
God decided to reset and recreate the world as he couldn’t tolerate it anymore.
Meanwhile, a great war on the land ended. After the war, the Elf Queen sought to acquire God’s Force.
In the process, she unsealed the ‘Early Water.’ It turned into a disaster. The world was flooded with chaos in no time.
Fortunately, there were successors of the constellations on the land who had inherited the special power of the Stars.
The child of the Solar King becomes the commander of the successors and starts the journey to end the calamity once and for all.
Amid the chaos called ‘Recreation,’ the fierce war for survival begins!