Fantasy Tales: Sword and Magic is described as being an “exploration MMORPG,” with an Anime aesthetic, full of adventure, danger, and rewards.
Players will navigate a large, open world, you’ll meet and play with other people, tackle difficult encounters, work to obtain a large number of outfits, and if the entire game being auto-play bores you, retire to your farm, where you can grow and harvest resources, raise and slaughter animals, fish.
There’s also a Pokemon-like creature-collection feature present that will allow you to capture enemies you find out in the world. So best find the hottest enemy Waifu’s you can and make them your pet.
Global pre-registration is currently open and available, with a Global release slated for early 2024.
Ling Ren Game Limited
Ling Ren Game Limited
Upcoming – Global Confirmed – Release should be in 2024
Fantasy Tales is An Exploration MMORPG in the style of Japanese anime and is full of adventure elements. Embark on an open-world adventure filled with adorable sprites and pets, strategic skill combinations, thrilling battles, formidable monsters, and untold wonders!