Daiblos Core (交錯戰線) is a brand new turn-based mecha girl Anime RPG. It looks and plays very similarly to both Artery Gear Fusion (now shut down,) and Echocalypse – featuring beautiful live 2D character models, but chibi characters for battle.

The player takes on the role of the Captain of an Alien exploration project, where you lead a select team of super hot mecha girls into space.

I think Daiblos Core can be a lotta fun. It just needs a lot more in terms of enemy variety, and a more fleshed out story. The lack of voice acting also confused me – I don’t think I’ve seen a Gacha game release without voice acting in years.

At present, Daiblos Core – not to be mistaken with Diablos Core – I’ve seen a lot of people making this mistake, is available in Chinese only, there is no English version, or English translation, with a Global release expected, but not confirmed. There is currently no official release date yet for Global, 2025 is speculated.

Daiblos Core Review

Hey, my name is Stix and welcome back to The Worst Gacha Ever. A series where I discuss a Gacha - and tell you guys what I thought, in explicit detail, as we attempt to find the Worst Gacha Ever. At present, Daiblos Core - not to be mistaken with Diablos Core - I've...