Daiblos Core (交錯戰線) is a brand new turn-based mecha girl Anime RPG. It looks and plays very similarly to both Artery Gear Fusion (now shut down,) and Echocalypse – featuring beautiful live 2D character models, but chibi characters for battle.
The player takes on the role of the Captain of an Alien exploration project, where you lead a select team of super hot mecha girls into space.
I think Daiblos Core can be a lotta fun. It just needs a lot more in terms of enemy variety, and a more fleshed out story. The lack of voice acting also confused me – I don’t think I’ve seen a Gacha game release without voice acting in years.
At present, Daiblos Core – not to be mistaken with Diablos Core – I’ve seen a lot of people making this mistake, is available in Chinese only, there is no English version, or English translation, with a Global release expected, but not confirmed. There is currently no official release date yet for Global, 2025 is speculated.